January 3, an evening of the famous poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko hosted in Kyiv.



January 23 the recital of the famous poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko hosted. His name for a long time ago settled in modern poetry. Moreover, he managed to become popular among people of different languages, of all generations, who have different professions and diverse views on life, literary tastes of them seem to be very different also. The secret of Yevgeny Yevtushenko’s popularity is not only in his outstanding gift as a poet, but through his proper sense of citizenship, which is congenital and inextricably linked with a sense of time.

When poet was visiting Babyn Yar for the first time in 1961 together with writer Anatoly Kuznetsov, Yevtushenko was struck by the lack of any monument to those who were killed. This fact so affected the poet, that he wrote a poem for a few hours being in the hotel. It began with the words " Над Бабьим Яром памятников нет…" (There is no any monument to Babyn Yar tragedy). The poem "Babyn Yar" helped to break the 20-year silence about the tragedy.

Employees of the National Historic- Memorial Reserve "Babyn Yar" led by director Boris Glazunov, met the poet after the recital and presented him flowers, books and booklets about Babyn Yar.