An exhibition to the International Day of Holocaust Memorials "Killed Childhood: There is the Fear, the Pain, the Despair in the Heart..." is devoted to the memory of the executed in Babyn Yar children.


The International Day of Holocaust Remembrance is a memorable date introduced by the decision of the UN General Assembly of November 1, 2005 (Resolution No. 60/7). It is celebrated annually - January 27th.

On the 26th of January, 2016, at 15 o'clock in the premises of the National Museum of Literature of Ukraine, (street B. Khmelnitsky, № 11) the opening of the exhibition "Killed Childhood: There is the Fear, the  Pain, the Despair in the Heart...", dedicated to the Day of Holocaust Memorial Day, was held.

Speeches were delivered by: First Deputy Minister of Ukraine Lihovyi I.D., General Director of the National Museum of Literature of Ukraine Soroka G.O.,Vice President of the International Union of Jewish Public Associations - Former Prisoners of Fascism, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Jews - former prisoners of  Nazi concentration camps Zabarko B.M., Scientific secretary of the National Historical Memorial Reserve "Babyn Yar" Lynnyk H.I.